Artemis: The Animated Trailer
Artemis: The Animated Trailer

Graph for the Character development of Artemis

Storyboard Sample for Artemis

Storyboard featuring Persephone, a character not featured in the trailer

The matte painting for Hera's scene

In-Progress shot of Artemis model

In-Progress Shot of Artemis model

Inprogress Shot of Hera Model

In-Progress shot of Hera's Gazebo

In-Progress Shot of Hera's Gazebo

Render Test of the Revealing of Hera scene

Concept Sketches for Artemis' wardrobe

Final Wardrobe decisions for the Goddesses

Silhouette sketches for Artemis

Concept Sketches of Artemis

In-Progress views of the Goddess Mirrors

Sample from the written play through for the game prototype
Artemis: The Animated Trailer
A 2D and 3D trailer for a game prototype featuring an interpretation of the greek goddess Artemis.